Billionaire, software mogul, Adam Pi has everything in life with the exception of positive memories from High School. He begrudging goes to the 20th reunion and has such an amazing time he finds himself wondering "If I knew then what I know now" and offers the entire grad class one year's salary to e back and do one more month of the 12th grade当个闹剧看一看还是挺不错的,很适合一些贺岁氛围,但有很多情绪转合很硬,正在刘的归纳面前肖央的脚色略隐单薄,不如他正在别的影戏中表现精彩,小人物的低谷并没有表现的太较着,更多浮于表面吧,所以前后比较不够激烈,人物念头也不够。刘的表演还是终年的硬汉脸,但得忆那段真的有感动我。齐片多次强调剧场性和表演性,试图借此来展现演员的什么,但有些僵硬和牵强,结尾处强止降华也是有些勉强了。 刚发现是《知名之辈》的导演...忽然觉得结尾牵强也一般了。