A reality show on an inhabited island where eight contestants must fight for their survival becomes more than it appears to be. Solum is not just a game -- it's a test, a selection process, and a mirror that confronts the truth of Nature, with the falsehoods of the Human Race影戏技术层面没成绩,镜头语止很舒缓,演员演技相当不错,看完百般滋味正在心头,那部影戏太像糊口了。每个家庭都有自己的病患,如同影戏里阿妈有个不及格的丈夫,三个女儿缺得了20年的父爱,而关于阿爸来讲他也有自己的苦衷。家庭的病患伴随了每个人一辈子,唯有放下才是最末的谜底......你并不必须来本谅给你带来损伤的人,但你需供本谅自己,自我疗愈。