Based on a same-name 2013 short from Higginson, Relax follows Casper (Darby), a charming, but embarrassingly underprepared time traveler, now trapped in the past. When he befriends Holly (Graham), a jaded drifter, she helps him exploit his trivial knowledge of the future for a series of quick payouts, oblivious to the consequences they have set in motion. When tracked down by a more competent time traveler, Casper and Holly are forced to figure out what they mean to each other and whether the future they’ve threatened is even worth saving. Will they embrace their fate, or do they have the courage to change i不太喜欢林秀英年青时分的几段闪回,拍得缺少年月感,让人迷惑,情节也没有复刻闪回的必要,删失落那些突兀的片段,我直接给五星满分。本片回支多视角非线性道事,由跑路丈夫的忽然逝世为起点,以筹办葬礼为主线,一点点拼凑还本出林秀英一辈子执念的真相。道事特地自然,节奏平稳,令人着迷。激情表达十分细致柔硬,很久没看过那么感人的作品了,而那居然是新导演的作品?觉得某些花里胡哨自以为是新导演的脸已被打烂。陈淑芳演得太棒了,定海神针。打发也不错,连开盈萱都扎眼了,唯一出戏的就是张钧甯,还好她戏份酱油,可以忽略。?